How Long Did It Take You to Start Using Excel Initially?

Recent studies indicate that 78% of employees are already using their own AI tools at work. Yes, you read that correctly. This figure is better than expected, though still lower than desired when considering all the advantages it brings.

In our team, we conducted a quick analysis of the past two weeks. 90% of the team uses AI daily. The average time saved is between 1 and 2 hours per day. Incredible but true. We’ve gained a lot in preparing presentations and managing emails. And we still have yet to use it for other processes and activities that are very present in our daily routine, such as learning new topics.

Our Decision

For this reason, we decided to incorporate AI into our personal productivity training as a new section. We cannot talk about personal productivity and effectiveness without considering AI. Just as it’s a bad habit to excessively check social media during work hours or to perform numerical operations without using Excel, it’s also a bad habit not to use AI to streamline some processes and save time. And not only that, in some cases, it can also improve the quality of the final result.

At FASE Method, we know that if you don’t guide the integration of AI, your employees will do it on their own, albeit at different paces, missing the opportunity to create a culture of learning and improvement as a team. This is a progressive path, both individual and collective, where we must, with a minimal understanding of AI, experiment, test, succeed, fail, and share our learnings. This is the first thing we explain in our workshop “EfectivIdAd by FASE Method.”

Do you want your company to ride the AI wave and not drown in it? Then start training your teams on how to use AI to save time and, in many cases, improve work quality.

It’s time to stop seeing AI as something for the future and start integrating it today into your daily routine, just like Excel, Outlook, or Zoom.